Our Institute Planning Committee is proud to announce the program for the 52nd Annual Institute of the Classical Association of the Empire State. Attendees will receive a copy of the final program, complete with room information, when they pick up their registration packet upon arrival at the Institute. Please visit the Annual Institute page for information on the hotel, how to register with CAES, payment options, and much more.
Thursday, October 22, 2015
4:00-6:00 pm Board Meeting
6:30 –7:30 pm Registration, Book Display and Exhibits
7:30-8:30 pm Plenary
- Sleeping with the Etruscans: What I did on my summer vacation
The June NEH seminar on the Etruscans was a crash course on what is known and not known about these northern neighbours of the Romans. Through lectures, seminars, and site and museum visits, we received an overview of where Etruscan studies are, have been, and where they are going. This presentation will be an illustrated précis of that overview, with suggestions about how to learn more, well as the best places in Italy and beyond to follow Etruscan traces.
Thomas Hayes, Suffolk County Community College
Friday, October 23, 2015
7:30-8:30 am Continental Breakfast
8:30-9:30am Session A
This session will consist of the following half-hour presentations back-to-back in the same room:
- Mapping the City of Rome
This workshop will discuss incorporating mapping into a class on the city of Rome. It will show how a mapping application, such as Google My Maps can be used to help students visualize the space of the city. The workshop will provide a sample assignment, as well as instruction in using the application. It will discuss how such an assignment can be used for civilization classes and in preparation for study abroad.
The target audience is Regents Prep (Latin II-III) and Advanced (Latin IV-College)
Stacie Raucci, Associate Professor, Union College
- Caesar and Civil War: An Alternative Vision in Lucan’sBellum Civile
This workshop examines the Neronian poet Lucan’s appraisal of Caesar in his epic poem about Caesar’s war with Pompey and the consequent destruction of the Roman republic. Special attention will be paid to scenes from Lucan’s Bellum Civile where the poet—in his characteristically dark way—diverges from the presentation of events as they unfold in Caesar’s own commentaries. Lamenting the loss of Roman freedom, Lucan presents an overwhelmingly bleak view of the war, with Caesar playing the role of madman, criminal, and ultimately, the poem’s villain. This session will be of special interest to teachers of both AP Caesar and AP Virgil. In presenting an alternative (and corrective) to earlier treatments of the civil wars of the late Republic, Lucan challenges the notion that the Caesars, and the poets whose work supports them, should have the last word in shaping the memory of these conflicts.
Sara Watkins, Visiting Assistant Professor of Classics, Union College
9:45-10:45am Session B
- The Age of Innocence?Parthenoi,Neaniskoi and the perception of sexual risk in Classical Athens
This workshop contains historical background material suitable for high school teachers but not their students.
Tommaso Gazzarri, Assistant Professor, Union College
- From Gloversville to the White House
Charlie Giglio, Gloversville ESD Latin Teacher and 2015 New York State Teacher of the Year, began his teaching career in Manhattan in 1964. Over the next 50 years, he taught at every level from elementary to high school, college, correctional facilities and The Culinary Institute of America. Charlie has also served as principal both in New York City’s Chinatown and a residential school in Rockland County. Enjoy a session of stories and inspiration with Charlie as he shares over five decades of wisdom on teacher resiliency and his current role and duties as New York State’s Teacher of the Year.
Charles Giglio, Gloversville High School
11:00-12:00 pm Session C
- The Ides of March: Role-Playing as Pedagogy
March 15th, 44 BCE, was a watershed moment in Roman history. It brought to a bloody end the dictatorship of Gaius Julius Caesar, it reinvigorated the political ferment that Rome had witnessed since the social revolution of the Gracchi in 133, and it proved to be the last gasp of the Roman republic. For students, a political assassination of such magnitude functions as a vehicle for exploring the complex dynamics of Rome in the 1st century BCE, and they do so via a role-playing game titled “Beware the Ides of March.” In this game, students use their imagination, learn to cooperate and collaborate, are inventive and improvisational, develop rhetorical skills, and become deeply invested in Roman history.
This interactive session will invite all attendees to participate in a role-playing session, staged on the day after Caesar’s death. Each participant will receive a brief biography of one of the key figures in the Roman Senate, caucus in political blocs, and then re-create one or more of the debates that ensued in the wake of the assassination. You will deliberate on what to do with the assassins, whether to confirm Caesar’s acta, and whether to grant Mark Antony a senatus consultum ultimum to quell riots in the city and restore public order. You will be searched for any hidden pugiones at the door!
Prof. Michael Arnush, Skidmore College
- Hands On Workshop:Quia
Quia is a tool that teachers can use to develop a great variety of practice assignments, games, and assessments. Quia differentiates itself from similar web apps in the range of activities, types of assessments (multiple choice, fill-in, short answer, written response, matching, et al.), and an impressive teacher gradebook. Data of all sorts are available, allowing an easy way to do item analysis, give students feedback, and to track student progress and growth. Bring your laptop and come prepared to create a free trial account. After a brief overview you will jump in and start building your first assessment!
Michael Kutny, Latin Teacher, Barker Road MS
12:00-1:00 pm Lunch
1:00-1:45 pm Business Meeting
Our business meeting will include our election, the presentation of scholarships and awards, and a memorial tribute to Joe Crisafulli.
2:00-3:00 pm Session D
- Mock Epics: HoraceSatire1.5, Syracuse, and the Erie Canal
In Satire 1.5 Horace tells the story of his journey from Rome to Brundisium. Although the occasion is a serious one–Octavian and Antony are meeting to try to settle their difference and avoid war–Horace focuses on the personal and the petty. He complains about food, and ferrymen, and frogs, and fickle barmaids, and in so doing turns his journey into a mock epic, a parody of Odysseus’ tale of his wanderings. This paper will look at Horace’s journey within the mock epic tradition, and also suggest that, during the 19th Century, the mock epic tradition was alive and well and living in Central New York. The Erie Canal, the spectacularly unspectacular waterway that brought Syracuse into existence, has since its inception been the target of humor. From Herman Melville to the humble canal folksingers, an array of authors have mocked the Erie by comparing it to the great open waters on which lives were risked and fortunes were made; we will look at some of the funnier examples of their mockery. This paper contains the threat of musical interludes.
Jeffrey Carnes, Associate Professor of Classics; Classics Program Coordinator, Syracuse University
- Holistic Assessment in the Latin Classroom
This workshop will explore the use of holistic minor and major assessments, especially ACTFL’s Integrated Performance Assessment, in the Latin classroom. Teachers will be introduced to the basic format and rationale of this assessment type. After this introduction, participants themselves will peruse the units to which specific example assessments belong and will also view sample responses from students.
Participants are highly encouraged to bring or share laptops, tablets, or smartphones to use at this workshop.
Target Audience: Middle School and/or Latin I Regents Prep (Latin II-III)
Anne Stock, East Syracuse-Minoa Central School District
Justin Schwamm, Innovations in Online Education, Inc. / Gifted Homeschoolers Forum / The Tres Columnae Project.
3:15-5:15 pm Explore Syracuse!
Use this unstructured time for exploring, socializing, collaborating, or relaxing in fabulous Syracuse. Suggested activities will be included in the registration packet.
6:00-7:00 pm Cocktail Hour
7:00-9:00 pm Dinner
- Keynote:Barry Strauss,Professor of History and Classics at Cornell University, Chair of its History Department, and author of The Death of Caesar (March 2015)
“[A] compelling, clarifying account of one of history’s most dramatic assassinations. . . . [Strauss] conveys the complexity of late republican Roman politics while keeping up a lively pace.” (Lev Grossman Time)
Copies of Professor Strauss’ The Death of Caesar will be available for purchase at the Institute via special arrangement between CAES and the publisher.
Saturday, October 24, 2015
8:00-9:00 am Breakfast
9:00-10:00 am Session E
- Comedy, Canon, Core: Plautus’ Humor for All Students in Live Latin and Translated Productions
With the return of the AP curriculum to old-line ‘core’ texts and authors, and the righteous uproar from those who loved the novelty of teaching new material under the former AP Latin Literature exam, I wish to advocate for shaking up and enhancing the curriculum with introduction of comedy into any classroom, but particularly in the post-AP exam month(s).
In this presentation/workshop, I will present samples of textual and video material from my own student productions of Plautus’ “Poenulus” (delivered in Latin) and “The Ghoul Next Door (Mostellaria) (all in English).” These samples will be featured to show how as little as a few days or a week of introducing comic scenes, can get students to work quickly and effectively through critical analysis of humor and satire to substantial awareness of issues of Roman (and Greek) social, political and cultural history. The presentation of sample scenes can then be turned into student group projects in scene development, role playing, oral Latin, problem solving, script analysis, and always in a dynamic, even a flipped, classroom. I will leave a clean sample scene in English (maybe one in Latin too for those eager to give that a try) for a quick group project toward the end of the workshop session.
I think in translation, these exercises can work for all levels of students right down to the elementary students, and I never want to underestimate their willingness to do oral Latin when given half a chance. The physical humor of Plautus translates to all levels.
John H. Starks, Jr., Associate Professor, Dept. of Classical & Near Eastern Studies, Binghamton University
- Vocabulary Strategies Hands On Workshop: Quizlet and StudyBlue
This workshop will introduce you to 2 online programs with free apps (iPhone and Android). Both Quizlet and StudyBlue are electronic flashcard programs that allow students to study both teacher- and student-created vocabulary lists. In addition to flashcards, both programs provide students the opportunity to practice vocabulary using Quizlet and StudyBlue games and practice quizzes. Bring your laptop or mobile device to create free accounts in one or both of these programs. After some discussion and an overview of Quizlet and StudyBlue you will be able to work individually or in small groups with great support of the presenter.
David Pellegrino, Pittsford Mendon HS
10:15-11:15 am Session F
- Gallia Est Omnis Divisa in Partes Tres: A Classicist Visits France
This presentation is a recap of my three-week excursion around France with the Vergilian Society during the summer of 2011. A trip to France is certainly not a hard sell, but when visiting France as a classicist, there are really three aspects to guide us in order to make the most of the trip: one, the historical significance that Gaul played in the rise of Julius Caesar; two, its role as the premier Roman province, which now showcases some of the best ancient buildings and archaeological sites outside Italy; and, three, the numerous artifacts and pieces of classical and classically themed art that can be found in French museums. This presentation will focus on each of these three aspects with lots of pictures, anecdotes, and advice for planning your own voyage. Perhaps a little bit of Caesar as well!
Marie-Therese Witte, Saratoga High School
- Making a Friend of the NME: Consider Offering the National Mythology Exam to Your Middle School through Latin III Students
The National Mythology Exam provides an impetus to teach massive amounts of mythology, which students love. This presentation will discuss the pros and cons of offering the exam; ways to effectively integrate the NME syllabus into your curriculum; other mythology readings well suited for entry level Latin students as well as programs that offer the National Latin Exam; book recommendations; sample reading comprehension questions as well as sample National Mythology Exam questions; and student projects, ranging from hand-drawn illustrations to presentations involving imovie, comic life, prezi, and animoto.
John Mooney, Cambridge Central School
11:15 am Institute Adjourned
11:30-12:30 pm CAES Board of Directors Meeting
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