Salvete, omnes!
The CAES board is grateful to Union College for again generously hosting our annual Institute on their lovely campus on Friday and Saturday, October 27-28, 2017.
The somewhat lingua in gena theme is Tene tranqillum et utere Latina, and now more than ever we need to be reminded of that sturdy old Roman stoicism and to continue to think of ways of putting old wine into new bottles.
Presentations begin on Friday at 1pm, with the keynote speaker, Ann Patty, talking about her book, Living with a Dead Language, at our banquet that evening. (The registration form will have an option to order a signed copy.) Presentations continue on Saturday from 8am-3:30pm.
Talks will include a wide range of topics, from themes and authors such as classical education and ethics, Eleusis, Catullus, Vergil, Ovid, and Caesar, to the pedagogical, such as the elusive quest for the perfect Latin textbook, assessing student translations, and flipping the Latin classroom.
Conference participants may begin reserving rooms at the Doubletree Hotel in Schenectady anytime from now until September 27. Call the hotel directly (518-393-4141) to make your reservation and to ensure that you receive the group rate of $159.00 a night. Be certain to mention that you are with the Classical Association of the Empire State group or give the group code: CAE.
Coming soon will be a list of the presentations, a schedule, and a registration form. Please visit the Annual Institute page on the CAES website for the latest information. If this is your first Institute, you are eligible for the Donna Caldwell Scholarship to help defray some of your expenses. The presentations will be wide-ranging and superb. We on the CAES board look forward to seeing you there, and please encourage a colleague to attend!
Ex animo,
John Mooney, President
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