Friday October 27, 2023
Union College, Schenectady NY
Parking is in the Nott-Seward Lot [Directions] and all events are at Hale House [#14 on the Campus Map]
**be sure to display this parking pass on your vehicle’s dashboard**
8:30-9:30 am Registration and Continental Breakfast (Hale House)
9:30-10:30 am Session A (Hale House)
Milena Minkova and Terence Tunberg, University of Kentucky
“Experiencing Latin as a Communicative Language and a Global Literature: Origins, Philosophy and Goals”
This presentation will delineate the origin and the history of the Active Latin Program at the University of Kentucky, commonly known as Institute for Latin Studies, a history which now spans more than two decades. It will explain the philosophy upon which the Institute for Latin Studies is built, and describe the online version of the Institute established in 2020- an initiative especially designed to provide enrichment (with academic credit) for teachers and others working in full-time positions, or graduate students enrolled in other curricula.
10:45-11:45 am Session B (Hale House)
Milena Minkova and Terence Tunberg, University of Kentucky
“Experiencing Latin as a Communicative Language and a Global Literature: Activities, Method and Format”
This presentation will focus on methods applied in the Institute, frequently used exercises, types of activities in which participants engage. Concomitant initiatives of the Institute, like various full-immersion Latin seminars, will also be taken in consideration.
12:00-12:50 pm Lunch and CAES Business Meeting (Hale House)
12:50-1:50 pm Session C (Hale House)
Nancy Sorkin Rabinowitz, Professor Emerita of Comparative Literature at Hamilton College
Hugh McElroy, Episcopal High School
“Queering the Past(s)”
In this presentation we will be presenting our current joint project, “Queering the Past(s)”– an ongoing publishing venture of an interactive e-book, a resource that will facilitate discussions and learning about relationships and sexuality with a specific focus on LGBTQ+ issues, using the lenses of ancient myth, tragedy, and material culture. We will talk frankly about the problems or difficulties of such a project, as well as the many benefits.
2:00-3:00 pm Session D (Hale House)
Ken Kitchell, Professor Emeritus at University of Massachusetts Amherst
This session will take the form of a structured forum discussion, in which presenters and participants discuss the ever-important topic of fostering and growing strong Latin programs in NYS and beyond.
3:15-4:00 pm Session E (Hale House)
Sponsored by CAAS and Tommaso Gazzarri, Union College Associate Professor Classics
This session is focused on outreach and building connections between Union College and its faculty and area Greek and Latin teachers.
4:00-4:30 pm (Hale House)
CAES Board of Directors Meeting