Consider coming to Maine to St. Joseph College on the shores of Sebago Lake. AP Latin calls you!
July 17-21, 2017
AP LATIN: CAESAR and Multiple Choice
Caesar’s de Bello Gallico, Books 1, 4, 5, and 6 (syllabus readings) will serve as the material for the development of multiple-choice questions. We will learn to write questions targeting the learning objectives in the Curriculum Framework, by following the specific format of the exam. In addition to Caesar, the Framework suggests that reading at sight should be integrated into instruction. We will select from these suggested sight authors: for prose Nepos, Cicero, Livy, and for poetry Ovid, Tibullus, Catullus, and prepare questions. The goal of the workshop is to demystify multiple choice and Section 1 of the AP Exam, look at the SAT Latin Exam format and its types of multiple-choice questions, and help each teacher leave the workshop with 1) a final project lesson (literal translation and scoring grid, an essay question, and/or a short answer question) and 2) multiple choice passages to use throughout the coming year. Bring any texts you may have and a laptop computer.
For additional information, contact Jill Crooker,
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