Ascanius: The Youth Classics Institute is a nonprofit organization founded in 2000. Its mission is to support Classical Studies, particularly on the elementary and middle school levels. We kick off the fall with a creative writing contest, unique workshops for Latin teachers, and an engaging magazine! Visit www.ascaniusyci.org for plenty more happenings!
*SCRIBO: An International Latin Composition Contest – This relatively new contest is designed to spur student interest in creative writing in Latin, to recognize top student work, and to provide teachers with high quality reading materials in Latin to use in the classroom. All entrants receive a certificate, top scorers earn a medal, and the very best entries could be published in our annual compilation! Register your students by December 1, and submit all entries by December 15. The cost is $5 per entry plus a school fee, with several discounts available. Visit www.ascaniusyci.org for more information, sample entries, sample assignments that integrate SCRIBO, and to register.
*2012-2013 Professional Development Series for Latin Teachers -Although the main focus of Ascanius is on supporting Classics at the elementary and middle school levels, we also hold a keen interest in best practices at all levels of instruction, and have designed these workshops with that goal in mind. Register by November 19 for any one of our workshops, all of which take place on November 30. In the DC area: “Latin for 2012: Fresh Ideas for Fresh Kids”, $45. In the St. Louis area: “I Came, I Saw, I Clicked: Technology and Online Resources for Latin Teaching”, $59 includes lunch. In the Boston area: “Carmina Discipulosque Cano: Using Music to Enliven and Enrich the Latin Classroom”, $59 includes lunch.Visit www.ascaniusyci.org for more information and to register. Contact us (info@ascaniusyci.org) if you are interested in hosting a workshop at your school in a future year; there is no cost to the school and the Latin teacher goes for free!
*Featured Publication: Iota Magazine is a fun, engaging, Classically themed magazine for younger children. Its 24 full-color pages feature a god, a monster, an historical person, and Latin words in each issue. Interesting stories and creative activities will engage young minds. 3 issues per year: in October, February, and May. Annual subscriptions: $24 for 3 print issues or $50 for 3 reproducible, projectable electronic issues. Visit www.ascaniusyci.org for more information, sample pages, and to order.
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