At this year’s Annual CAES Institute, the June U. Stillwell Outstanding New York State Latin Program Award was presented to the East Aurora Union Free School District. On behalf of the board members of the Classical Association of the Empire State, the award was presented to Brian Serwicki and Kate Hannon by CAES scholarship chair, William Breitweiser.
The Latin program at East Aurora Union Free School District began in March 2006 and spans East Aurora Middle School and East Aurora High School, with 7th grade Latin, levels 1-4, and AP Latin. Latin represents 20-25% of each graduating class at East Aurora High School. There are two full-time Latin teachers, Brian Serwicki and Kate Hannon. The students participate in Latin Club, the National Latin Exam, the Junior Classical League, and the university at the high school program. They are planning a trip to Italy for 2021. Independent studies are provided for students who cannot fit Latin into their schedules.