We hope you will be able to join us at Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs this October 26-27. Our keynote speaker will be Daniel Gallagher of Cornell University. Formerly the Latin secretary to Popes Benedict and Francis, Professor Gallagher will discuss how his predecessor at the Vatican, renowned Latinist Fr. Reginald Foster, influenced his approach to teaching Latin. In addition, he will offer two workshops.
The registration mailing went out in late August, but you can also register and pay online. N.B.: The registration deadline is October 12. Please visit the Annual Institute page for more information on the program as well as lodging and scholarship opportunities.
The registration mailing went out in late August, but you can also register and pay online. N.B.: The registration deadline is October 12. Please visit the Annual Institute page for more information on the program as well as lodging and scholarship opportunities.
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